+370 622 622 87 info@mybaltic.lt
I - V: 9:00 - 17:00

Consultations and assistance for privates in Lithuania, Denmark and Spain

Private Customers Price List in Lithuania

1. Upon arrival to Lithuania:
1.1 Declaration of arrival / departure to / from Lithuania 15 EUR
1.2 Declaration of residence in Lithuania 15 EUR
1.3 Provision of the address of residence (subscriber – monthly payments) 5 EUR/person
1.4 Provision of the address of residence (subscriber – yearly payments) 60 EUR/person
1.5 Consultation and preparation of documents in case of death Consult
1.6 Assistance in opening a personal Lithuanian / Danish / Spanish bank account from 20 EUR/40 EUR
1.7 Consulting when buying real estate  from 0.5% to 2%
1.8 Full registration of one person in Lithuania (escort, filling in questionnaires, translation) from 300 EUR
1.9 Consultation to establish a company  50 EUR
2. Legal services:
2.1 Legal consultation up to 30 min 50 EUR
2.2 Legal consultation up to 60 min 75 EUR
2.3 Consultation on migration issues from 30 EUR/hour
3.0 Consultation and submission of the documents regarding children under 18:
3.1 Assistance with child benefits application (filling of the application, submission of the documents, follow- up) Consult
3.2 Single parent child benefits Consult
4.0 Personal consultations, interpretation and accompanying:
4.1 Personal consultation by phone up to 30 mins 30 EUR
4.2 Personal consultation by phone up to 60 mins 50 EUR
5.0 Migration consultations:
5.1 Consultation on migration issues  30 EUR/hour
6. VIP adminstartor:
6.1 Adminitration for 1 day/working hours from 100 EUR

Private Customers Price List in Denmark

1. Upon arrival to Denmark:
1.1 OD1 application- Permission to stay in Denmark at SIRI 500 DKK
1.2 04.063 Ordering of a personal tax card 500 DKK
1.3 Ordering of a Særlig sundhedskort 500 DKK
1.4 NemKonto activation to a foreign bank account via NETS 600 DKK
1.5 Nemkonto activation with NEMID 300 DKK
1.6 OFFER full personal registration in Denmark (personal assistance, application filling) 1500 DKK
1.7 Ordering of A1 application 500 DKK
2. While working in Denmark:
2.1 Annual income assessment- Årsopgørelse 625 DKK
2.2 Yearly income tax card review and adjustment- Forskudopgørelse 500 DKK
2.3 Holiday allowance ordering with NemID 300 DKK
2.4 Assistance and submission of documents for parental leave (Barsel) 500 DKK
2.5 Assistance with rental compensation (Boligstøtte) 500 DKK
2.6 Assistance with education allowance (Kindergarden) 500 DKK
2.7 Change of address 500 DKK
2.8 New born name confirmation 500 DKK
2.9 LG fund (documents submission, filing of the application) 500-800 DKK
2.10 Compensation of medical services provided abroad- application and submission of the documents 500-800 DKK
2.11 Assistance with getting a permission to drive a vehicle with foreign number plates (Motor Styrelsen) 500 DKK
2.12 Assistance with buying or selling a vehicle (Motor Styrelsen) 500 DKK
3.0 Consultation and submission of the documents regarding children under 18:
3.1 Assistance with child benefits application (filling of the application, submission of the documents, follow- up) 1500 DKK
3.2 Single parent child benefits 500 DKK
3.3 Ordering of the child support benefits 1000 DKK
4.0 When leaving Denmark:
4.1 04.029 submission, deregistration from Folkeregister holiday allowance 500 DKK
4.2 Reclaiming of the private pension savings 1500 DKK
5.0 Personal consulting, translation and assistance:
5.1 Personal consultation on the phone up to 30min 350 DKK
5.2 Personal consultation at the office up to 60min 500 DKK
5.3 Translation on the phone up to 60min 500 DKK
5.4 Personal assistance on the given location per hour From 500 DKK
6. Other Services:
6.1 Assistance and submission of the documents for death cases Negotiated price
6.2 Assistance with personal bank account opening 500 DKK
6.3 Consultation for buying real estate in Denmark 500 DKK
6.4 Assistance when buying real estate in Denmark Negotiated price
6.5 Consultation on opening a company in Denmark 700 DKK
6.6 English/ Danish language courses individual and groups 2000 DKK


How to order a E106 form?

Call Udbetaling Denmark +45 70 12 80 81 and order the form, which will be sent to your personal E-Box on the same business day. Then contct relevant authorities in your home country and provide them the form you received.

Where to contact in the event of an unfair owner of a rental house?

Contact the LLO organization or free legal counsel at Copenhagen Legal Aid.

Where to get approval for a notary?

Every Danish city has a notary in the court house. Prices start at 100DKK, a notary list can be found in the link.

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