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Traveling on holiday in your own vehicle registered in Denmark? You should be aware that from the 1st of July, a common penalty system in Europe will take effect. This means that when you return from vacation, you may find a ticket for speeding, talking on the phone and the like in your mailbox. 

From now on, 20 European countries have access to the Danish motor vehicle registry and has the ability to send a fine directly the perpetrator.

Penalties vary greatly from country to country. For example, exceeding 50 km/h in France can cost you over DKK 11,000.

Many travelers partially passes Germany. And while there are no speed limits on some sections of the motorway, you can still get a fine that averages around DKK 260 for exceeding 20km/h.

In addition to Denmark, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Austria also belongs to this general system. 

The new rules apply to all road traffic violations: exceeding the speed limit, driving drunk, driving without a seat belt and the like.

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