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Your Danish pension accumulated in private pension funds such as Pensiondanmark, Industriens Pension, Danica Pension, PFA Pension – will be paid out to you even if you live abroad after reaching retirement age.

Return of accumulated retirement money after leaving Denmark

If you intend to leave Denmark, remember to contact your pension fund or any other institution that is responsible for managing your pension contributions.

Only you can decide how to deal with your accumulated pension. One option is to move your contributions to a pension fund in your home country or another EU country.

It is also possible to recover part of the pension contributions before retirement. It is important to note that according to the Danish rules, the amount received will be deducted. In this case you will have to pay 60% fee, so you will only receive a balance of 40% on your account.

For example, if your accrued pension reaches 100,000kr, after a 60% fee, you will be refunded only 40,000kr.Different pension funds also apply an administration fee of up to 1,800DKK.

Pension Danmark Requirements:

  • Confirmation from SKAT
  • Confirmation from Folkeregistret
  • Copy of ID

Industriens Pension Requirements:

  • Confirmation from SKAT
  • Confirmation from Folkeregistret
  • Copy of ID
  • Bank Confirmation

It is important to note that the requirements of each pension fund are different.

